We really surprised Dabney with a new doll she had been wanting~ it was a group gift from many people.
We really did have a wonderful, simple Christmas, which is just the just the way we like it.
Question 13. Can we pay this debt ourselves?
Answer. Certainly not. Actually, we increase our debt every day.
Question 14. Can another creature any at all pay this debt for us?
Answer. No. God will not punish any other creature for what a human being has committed. Besides, no mere creature can bear the weight of God's eternal wrath against sin and release others from it.
Question 9. But doesn't God do us an injustice by requiring in the law what we are unable to do?
Answer. No. God created human beings with the ability to keep the law. They, however, tempted by the devil, in deliberate disobedience, robbed themselves and all their descendants of these gifts.