I'm still feeling pretty blah, so this will be short. I've got a large pot of Minestrone simmering gently on the stove and I've been wrapping Christmas presents and addressing cards today, but I thought I'd check in and let everyone know we're still here, although not being terribly productive.
The above is an idea I stole directly from the Pottery Barn catalog. I really really liked the card holder, but really really didn't have the $49 for it, even if I picked it up at the store and not ordered it online. So I did what any other diy-er would do. I went to Lowes, smiled politely at the wire cutting man and asked for 45 feet of small gauge electrical wire. "45 feet?" he asked. "You sure?" "Yes, please" I replied. The next day, with the help of my wire snips, I had made my own card holder for about $6. Now, I'm sure it isn't as straight and as rigid as the one down at Pottery Barn, but for $6 I really like my little card holder and I can't wait to fill it really full in December.
are you ususally sick your whole pregnancy or just the first few months?? i wasn't sick at all with my first but my second i was sick from day 1 til i delivered! :( hope you feel better soon!! hugs and prayers...
I'm trying to go slow in the mornings, usually I feel woozy if I start running around, trying to get things done. I get crazy tired in the afternoons~ if I sit in the couch I usually end up falling asleep. I can't usually eat anything substantial after 4pm either. I really can't complain though~ some women have it WAY worse than me. Thanks for asking, Joanna!
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