Friday, November 16, 2012

Giedd Homechool 2012-2013 School Pictures

As you can see, my children are now giants! 
 Dabney is a beautiful and tender 8, David is a very commanding 6 (almost 7), Joshua is on the quiet side at 5, Adam, 3, is our unassuming comedian and lately we've been calling Aaron (18 months) the E*Trade baby in regards to his computed fascination.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

They are all so sweet. SO sweet.

So- is it just me or did homeschooling take on a whole new dimension when another child was added? I feel like I am CONSTANTLY schooling all day, every day!

Now that the school year is well under way and I have had weeks to get into the rhythm of things, we are rolling now- but makes me worry about adding MORE children, that's for sure!

Did you ever recieve a (very long overdue) letter a couple months ago? I've been having issues with that, so I was just curious.

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