Monday, February 25, 2008

He's Handsome, Too

I am blessed. All you have to do is scroll through my blog and look at my pictures and hear the stories of our children growing before our eyes and taste our recipes, to realize how blessed I am. But every now and then, I am simply overwhelmed by God’s grace and goodness. Today I am struck by the fact that I am married to the only man who was perfectly made for me. My Tim. I am so thankful for him everyday. He is everything I ever prayed for in a husband. Yesterday as I was listening to him speak from his heart before the men of the church, it stuck me like lightning how much I love and respect him. I respect him for working so hard to provide for our family, for aspiring for serving in the church, for his service in our Bible study, his desire to be debt-free and to begin his own business, for his devotion to me, for leading us so faithfully in family worship and for being such an amazing and doting father to our brood. We’ll be married 5 years in April and he’s come such a long way as a husband and a father. I love him for being teachable and for being willing to change when he’s convicted by God’s Word. The Lord accomplished so much through Tim and has blessed him through his service and ministry and love towards me and the kids. I know he will continue to be blessed and I’m glad I’m on his team.

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