Monday, August 28, 2006

A few things about me...

We just arrived back from a family camp vacation in New Mexico and while I upload some pictures, I thought I'd write a little more about me.

Maybe it was just the tiredness in me last night, but I began pouring out my heart last night to Tim about so many things I want. Not physical things, but those things that I want to be and do, for myself and my children. I guess the #1 thing was to be a consistant Bible reader. So many days I'm caught up with the children and I feel like I don't have time to sit down and read for 10 minutes or so. The list goes on, I want a clean house- not just a picked up house- a squeaky clean house, I want to lose weight (but I seriously doubt that it will come off until I wean), I want to be able to earn money for the household, I want to scrapbook our memories more often and write down the funny things that the children do, I want Dabney to be more obedient, I want to call my grandparents more often, I want to be a more patient mama... Tim listened very well and then offered one suggestion. He said that he bets if I begin with Bible reading, everything else would fall into place. So, I read my Bible this morning, and I made it one of the first thing I did, and we'll see how much I can accomplish today, through God's grace.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Wow-that list goes for me too. And I agree with Tim-it does all start in one place. Unfortunately for me, we struggle with that too. I have just begun to read to Corynn while she eats her breakfast and now she ASKS for me to-so maybe SHE will keep me in line.

PS-You do NOT need to lose weight. Are you blind?!?! You are GORGEOUS!

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